Classic Color 6-Piece Crayon Set

Production Time: 8 Working Days
500 $1.83 each
800 $1.50 each
1000 $1.38 each
1500 $1.37 each
2000 $1.33 each
2500 $1.30 each
3000 $1.25 each
5000 $1.08 each
10000 $1.03 each
20000 $0.97 each
Encourage your children to get creative by giving them this box of crayons to color and create with. This crayon set features six individual crayon colors and a box for them to fit into for storage. The size of the box is 3.46" x 0.31". The crayons in this set have been tested and are deemed non-toxic and safe for children to use. Orders of 500 pieces or greater are eligible for sea shipping. Color in the gaps of your promotional campaign when you customize this crayon set.

Normal Production Time
8 Working Days

Product Size

0.08 lbs

Additional Information
3.46" x 0.31" crayon set of 6 in a box

Landy Marketing
4801 Johnson Road, Suite 9
Coconut Creek, FL 33073